Currently, EA develops and publishes games established franchises, including Battlefield, Need for Speed, The Sims, Medal of Honor, Command & Conquer, Dead Space, Mass Effect, Dragon Age, Army of Two, Apex Legends, and Star Wars, as well as the EA Sports titles FIFA, Madden NFL, NBA Live, NHL, і EA Sports UFC.
Andrew Wilson (Sep 17, 2013) Electronic Arts / CEO As CEO of Electronic Arts, Andrew Wilson has aligned company за три core strategic pillars: putting players first, driving a digital transformation and operating as one team.
Як ми варилися в Жовтні 2021 року, диворство з EA і FIFA має відбутися в fruition. EA's FIFA series has been rebranded до EA Sports FC і FIFA (організація) є такою своєю brand away to expand on the games opportunity more effectively (at least, so it believes). FIFA 23 буде EA's останній release under that name.