Core i3 processors має два cores, Core i5 CPUs має чотири та Core i7 models also have four. Один Core i7 Extreme процесорів має шість або вісім корів. Generally speaking, we find that most applications can't take full advantage of six or eight cores, so the performance boost from extra cores isn't as great.
Тепер, що ми маємо більш комплексний процесор codenames з способу, він є brief overview of three processor families: Core i3: Dual-core процесори з hyper-threading. Core i5: Quad-core processors без hyper-threading. Core i7: Quad-core processors with hyper-threading.
Generally the lower the i_ core number (like i3) theless the cores and the higher, the more cores, only with a few exceptions. The i3 has 2-4 cores, i5 has 4-6 cores, i7 has 6-8 cores and the i9 has 8 cores.