Mana Void is a block added by the Botania mod. It allows a Mana Pool with full capacity to continue accepting Mana. Цей блок є дійсним Mana пристосування блоку для Mana Spreaders, але це буде скористатися всім Mana від bursts directed towards it.
The Mana Fluxfield is a block added by Botania. It convertis Mana in Redstone Flux (RF).
There are multiple ways to do so:
- Mana Pool with Mana Spreader aiming at another pool.
- Mana Pool with Mana Spreader вантажівка на Mana Splitter, збираючи mana with up до 4 інших pools around it.
- Mana Pool з Mana Pump next to it, записуючи Minecart з Mana Pool на rails.